Have Your Say


Council regularly consults with the community on matters across a wide range of subjects.

Your feedback is critical to help shape the ongoing development and improvement of our shire.

Here are the latest community feedback opportunities:

Sustainability Strategy 2024-2041

The draft Southern Grampians Sustainability Strategy (the Strategy)(PDF, 15MB)  is out now for community feedback with the Strategy remaining out for public exhibition for 30 days before going back to Council for consideration. 

This is a key strategic document for delivering an environmentally sustainable Shire and will be foundational in shaping the future of the region.  

The development of this Strategy provides Council the opportunity to take a strong leadership role in recognising and responding to climate change within our region. The strategy sets ambitious targets that align with State and Federal Governments emission reductions policies, as well as providing a roadmap for Council and the community to prepare our Shire for the challenges of a changing climate. Council will aim to be a carbon neutral organisation by 2035 and the Shire by 2041.    

A wide range of organisations, community groups and schools have already contributed to the development of the draft Strategy with consultation recording 245 comments across six focus areas - Net Zero, Infrastructure, Waste, Water, Land Use & Biodiversity and Community. 

Key themes from that community feedback now embedded in the draft Strategy include supporting green energy initiatives, zero to low emission transport, green transport options, street tree enhancement, preservation and protection of biodiversity, recycling and waste education in easy English, and more support for volunteers. 

Feedback closes 5:00pm, Friday 13 September 2024.  

Provide your feedback here.

Hamilton CBD Streetscape Revitalisation Project

The Hamilton CBD Streetscape Revitalisation Project is set to transform the heart of our city, focusing on CBD streets between Kennedy and Cox and French and Lonsdale streets.

This ambitious project aims to enhance the streets and public spaces, benefiting residents, businesses, and visitors alike.

The initiative stems from the Hamilton Structure Plan, prepared for the Council in 2012, and the Hamilton CBD Masterplan in 2020. It aligns with other significant projects like the New Hamilton Gallery and the Community and Government Hub Build, creating a comprehensive vision for a vibrant and thriving CBD.

To ensure this project reflects the desires and aspirations of our community, we invite your active participation. If you have seen amazing street furniture, captivating public art, or engaging street activations during your travels across the country, we encourage you to share your discoveries with us.

To contribute your ideas, comments, and images, and to votes on the ideas of others, simply visit our Social Pinpoint platform.

Together, we can co-create a revitalised CBD that reflects our collective vision for our community!

Proposed Flood Planning Controls for Dunkeld

Southern Grampians Shire Council, in partnership with the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (GHCMA), is proposing updates to flood planning controls for Dunkeld properties affected by the Wannon River catchment. We’re seeking your feedback on these important changes. 


Proposed Changes 

The amendment introduces two key overlays to manage flood risks: 

  1. Floodway Overlay (FO): Applied to areas with the highest flood hazard, where flood depths can exceed one metre. This overlay ensures that development in these areas considers significant flood risks. 

  2. Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO): Applied to areas with lower flood hazards, where flood depths range between 0.05m and 0.3m. This overlay helps guide safe and appropriate development. 


Both overlays will require planning permits for subdivision, building, and works to ensure that flood risks are carefully considered in all new developments. 


Why is This Important? 

Including flood information in our planning scheme helps protect the community by ensuring that new developments are designed with flood risks in mind. This proactive approach aims to minimise potential damage and hazards, keeping people and property safe. 


Learn More and Provide Feedback 

For more details on the proposed changes, including maps and supporting documents, visit All schemes Planning Scheme - Amendments


A list of frequently asked questions can be accessed [here(PDF, 2MB)].  

Please email any feedback to: planning@sthgrampians.vic.gov.au 

Your input is vital in shaping the future safety and development of Dunkeld. Thank you for taking part in this important conversation. 


Proposed Flood Planning Controls for Balmoral

Southern Grampians Shire Council, in partnership with the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (GHCMA), is proposing updates to flood planning controls for Balmoral properties affected by the Glenelg River catchment. We’re seeking your feedback on these important changes. 


Proposed Changes 

The amendment introduces two key overlays to manage flood risks: 

  1. Floodway Overlay (FO): Applied to areas with the highest flood hazard, where flood depths can exceed one metre. This overlay ensures that development in these areas considers significant flood risks. 

  2. Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO): Applied to areas with lower flood hazards, where flood depths range between 0.05m and 0.3m. This overlay helps guide safe and appropriate development. 


Both overlays will require planning permits for subdivision, building, and works to ensure that flood risks are carefully considered in all new developments. 


Why is This Important? 

Including flood information in our planning scheme helps protect the community by ensuring that new developments are designed with flood risks in mind. This proactive approach aims to minimise potential damage and hazards, keeping people and property safe. 


Learn More and Provide Feedback 

For more details on the proposed changes, including maps and supporting documents, visit All schemes Planning Scheme - Amendments


A list of frequently asked questions can be accessed [here(PDF, 2MB)].  

Please email any feedback to: planning@sthgrampians.vic.gov.au 

Your input is vital in shaping the future safety and development of Balmoral. Thank you for taking part in this important conversation.