Council is the key contact for support for Southern Grampians Shire residents affected by the current Yarram Gap Road bushfires. Please click the below link for more information about accessing support, including links to relief payments and mental health services.
In This Section
AgNote no. AG1371 Disposal of carcasses after bushfire flood or Drought (Agriculture Victoria)
Guidance for on-farm burial of carcasses in an emergency animal disease outbreak | Emergency animal diseases | Animal diseases | Biosecurity | Agriculture Victoria
Bushfire smoke and your health factsheet (Department of Health)
Smoke and your health - what to do if it's smoky outside webpage (EPA Victoria)
Supporting people where air quality is heavily impacted by bushfire smoke - Guidance for local government
Power outages: food safety after a power failure factsheet (Department of Health)
Power outages: using alternative fuel and electricity safely
After a fire:private drinking water water tank safety factsheet (Department of Health)
After a fire: returning home safely (Department of Health)
After a fire: Using your personal protective kit (Department of Health)